Monday, May 28, 2007

♥I guess you had another direction, and leaving me with nothing but a dead connection

Here's a really boring day for me ):
Atima's in school having block-booking, and Boyfriend's working ):
Well me, i'm stuck at home, doing my Edu-learn quizzes.
No life.

Went to Bugis with Atima yesterday to look for our skinny jeans, and we found real cheap ones.
25$-30$ (: Happy us!
Probably getting them next week?
Walked around Bugis Street, then went over to Sim Lim to look for Boyfriend (:
Didn't dare to go in, sure like got anything for me to see.

Text-ed him,
Me : "Sorry love, didn't dare go in ):"
Boyfriend: "It's alright, why don't dare?"
Me: "What can I do inside?"
Boyfriend: "Come in pretend see things lah!"

cute lah he (:
Love you so much!

Yupp, so walked over to MacDonalds to have our Shaker Fries.
Waited for Boyfriend to end work, and went home together (:
G. : "Xiao Jie, ni yao mai ink mah?"
A. :"Xiao Jie, ni yao mai printer mah?"

P***** is here, all hails.
And, till yesterday I realised my pad has finished.
Went to NTUC Fairprice to get a new pack.
There was this woman with her daughter buying pad as well, and the daughter went,
Daughter: "Mummy, why only got ultra slim, no ultra fat?"
Momma: "Nobody will buy ultra fat lah, who will wear?"
Daughter: "(confused) Why nobody will wear?"
Momma:" You'll know when yours comes."

Super hilarious. Couldn't decide on buying Slim or Ultra Slim, kept on asking Atima till she got really irritated, hahahahah!

Here's a quote form Friendster Bulletin, A Perfect Boyfriend.
1. give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
2. leave her cute text notes.
3. kiss her in front of your friends.
4. tell her she looks beautiful.
5. look into her eyes when you talk to her.
6. let her mess with your hair.
7. touch her hair.
8. just walk around with her.
9. forgive her for her mistakes.
10. look at her like she's the only girl you see.
11. tickle her even when she says stop.
12. hold her hand when you're around your friends.
13. when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
14. let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. get her mad, then kiss her.
16. tease her and let her tease you back.
17. stay up all night with her when she's sick.
18. watch her favorite movie with her.
19. kiss her forehead.
20. give her the world.
21. write her letters.
22. let her wear your clothes.
23. when she's sad, hang out with her.
24. let her know she's important.
25. let her take all the photos she wants of you.
26. kiss her in the pouring rain.
27. when you fall in love with her, tell her.

Yours Sincerely,

9:22 AM

Reach my prismic soul.

Hello, my name is Geraldine L.Y

I'm very in love with my Alvin T.,
and I can't wait for our anniversary,

Darling oh Darling, I love you so.

Still each time I always meant,
Every word, every one.
I never knew how much "I love you" meant to anyone,
Until I met you.
Problems do come in the way,
But we swore we'd overcome them together.

Yesterday, just yesterday, you promise me,
You'd take care of me till forever.
And yesterday you told me too,
Your love for me is endless.
Yes darling, my love for you too, never-ending.

Viewing Now
# kissed my blog.

Unconditional desires.
Loves ALVIN!
Vannesa!<3 Atiqah! <3
Lovely bolster! Soft toys! Sweet cushions!
Mars bar! Magnum! Chocolates! Candies! Roses!
Pretty long nails! Pretty clothes! Bags! Belts!
Lovely movies! Gossiping!
Music! Choir!


(RED) iPod Nano

Couple Converse Shoes,
Orange Addidas Watch, Orange Addidas Sweater,
Mango top, Black pointed flats from Bugis Street.
More Skinny Jeans, Please and Thank you.

The endless connections.

Alvin Honey! <3 @Angels-brokenvow

2e3 @2e3compassion
3e3 @3e3compassion07
Amanda @Aishiteru-frh
Amanda P. @Dark-vengeance
Andrea @Nakedtruth-
Angeline @12deadlyspins
Atiqah @Faced0wn-11
Bena @Bbabybbena-
Candy @Candaaylicious
Carmen @Dear-boyfriend
Charmaine @Mainelove
Cheryl @999heartxx
Cheryl T. @Makethislasforever
Claudia @Nomdeplume-
Elisha @Quarterandaheartdown
Ethel @Touchup-justalittle
Fabian @4-everlasting
Hillary @Masqueradelove02
Huiling @Huilingg
Jacquetta @Bitchslap-
Jeremy @Vodkaddict-
Jiaxin @Angelx-angeline
Joanne @J0ane-xp
Jocelyn @Miracle-happenings
Jollyn @Silentreverie-
Jomaine @Shweetmelodyy
Jovina @Bemylove-j0j0
Kim @Mouthshut-
Kenneth @Isincerelycare
Kunyuan @Bloodsandtears
Liangying @-Sugarbites
Litng @Bakingfate
Mandy @Untoldeceit
Melissa @Taintedstained-rhapsody
Marianne @Sophisticatedly-simple
Michelle @Radiancemitch
Moyra @Lovebegetslove
Nicholas @Niicckybutt
Nuanting @Pessimisticgirl-
Priscilla @Historymakersforchrist
Regina @Starlight-world
Renee @Ilovehscschoir
Samantha @Simplyloves-
Stephanie Y. @Snowwfrosteddgems
Stephanie G.Prettypersuasion-
Susan @Mousyfreako
Szeern @Nottherealkite
Valerie @Ransacked-means
Vannesa @-Blacklisted
Vera @A-simpleheart
Wanling @Ohsoopafresh-
Wendy @Icex-angel
Yanhua @Moove-it
Yiling @Falsepride-
Yunjie @Its-a-noob-thing
Zhiyong @Tzy92hsc

It took time to see.
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007

Moments shared were picture perfect, memories remain.
Sentosa! Finally (:First day of holidays, I'm out ...
' Cause all I really want is to be with you, Ffeel...
Happy Fourth Month, Love!
At five minutes to midnight, you see our name in c...
Now are you gratified, you cried to me.
Angels cry when stars collide. A shot of broken h...
Use me as you will, pull my strings just for a thrill
'Cuz you and I could lose it all if you've got no ...
Guys, realize that the girl holding onto u,is PERF...

Mix the words up.


You have my thanks.
Basecodes by Eclair, yours truly. Images from livejournals one & two, enhanced a little with Photoshop. Thanks you very much for the comment box,Haloscan