Saturday, December 23, 2006

♥All I can picture is the colour of your eyes, and the way you make me smile

Spent the whole of yesterday with her!
To be specific, spent the whole afternoon at Bugis, whole evening at Tampines, whole night at Loyang Point. HAHA! (=

Met her at Paisr Ris MRT station at 11.30 and left for Bugis afterwards.
Talked non-stop about how cheapskate our school is, HAHA!
Upon reaching Bugis, we lunched at KFC, walked around the whole of Parco, Edge, and Bugis Street. Bought a pair of shorts, skirt and a bag (=
Saw Regina and Jomaine shopping for Christmas pressies I guess.

Left for Tampines at around 4pm, train-ed to Pasir Ris then to Tampines again to rest our tired leggies =D
Walked around, deciding what to buy for who.
Had dinner at Macdonalds, and stupidly dropped the fries (=
Stupid Jude laughed like mad.
And stupidly left my EZ-link on the tray =X
Continue walking around, and squueezed into Popular to see Taufik, LOL.
He looked VERY different in person and on TV/pictures.
Walk walk walk around, took Bus 3 at the interchange to leave for tuition, then realised I've left my EZ-link card back at Macdonalds.
Went back to take, took 21 back, which was way much faster than 3, but we were still late.
Haha, so we ran all the way to Layang Point.
Did some stupid topic on Quadratic Equations, again.
Missed her soooo bad! (=
Ahh, but have to be on waiting list, damnit.

Oh, passer-by. If you happen to see this post, please go to this webbie to check about Mr Brightside.

End this post with beloved Mcfly lyrics, enjoy! (=

This thing called love I just can’t handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
and I ain’t ready
Crazy little thing called love
This (this thing)
called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish,
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
She knows how to rock n’ roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

I gotta be cool relax, get hip
Get on my track’s
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I’m ready
Crazy little thing called love

I gotta be cool relax, get hip
Get on my track’s
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I’m ready (ready freddie)
Crazy little thing called love

This thing called love I just can’t handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain’t ready
Crazy little thing called love

Yours Sincerely,

12:49 PM

Reach my prismic soul.

Hello, my name is Geraldine L.Y
Sweet Fifteen!

I'm very in love with my Alvin T.,
and I can't wait for our anniversary,

Darling oh Darling, I love you so.

Still each time I always meant,
Every word, every one.
I never knew how much "I love you" meant to anyone,
Until I met you.
Problems do come in the way,
But we swore we'd overcome them together.

Yesterday, just yesterday, you promise me,
You'd take care of me till forever.
And yesterday you told me too,
Your love for me is endless.
Yes darling, my love for you too, never-ending.

Viewing Now
# kissed my blog.

Unconditional desires.
Loves ALVIN!
Vannesa!<3 Atiqah! <3
Lovely bolster! Soft toys! Sweet cushions!
Mars bar! Magnum! Chocolates! Candies! Roses!
Pretty long nails! Pretty clothes! Bags! Belts!
Lovely movies! Gossiping!
Music! Choir!


(RED) iPod Nano

Couple Converse Shoes,
Orange Addidas Watch, Orange Addidas Sweater,
Mango top, Black pointed flats from Bugis Street.
More Skinny Jeans, Please and Thank you.

The endless connections.

Alvin Honey! <3 @Angels-brokenvow

2e3 @2e3compassion
3e3 @3e3compassion07
Amanda @Aishiteru-frh
Amanda P. @Dark-vengeance
Andrea @Nakedtruth-
Angeline @12deadlyspins
Atiqah @Faced0wn-11
Bena @Bbabybbena-
Candy @Candaaylicious
Carmen @Dear-boyfriend
Charmaine @Mainelove
Cheryl @999heartxx
Cheryl T. @Makethislasforever
Claudia @Nomdeplume-
Elisha @Quarterandaheartdown
Ethel @Touchup-justalittle
Fabian @4-everlasting
Hillary @Masqueradelove02
Huiling @Huilingg
Jacquetta @Bitchslap-
Jeremy @Vodkaddict-
Jiaxin @Angelx-angeline
Joanne @J0ane-xp
Jocelyn @Miracle-happenings
Jollyn @Silentreverie-
Jomaine @Shweetmelodyy
Jovina @Bemylove-j0j0
Kim @Mouthshut-
Kenneth @Isincerelycare
Kunyuan @Bloodsandtears
Liangying @-Sugarbites
Litng @Bakingfate
Mandy @Untoldeceit
Melissa @Taintedstained-rhapsody
Marianne @Sophisticatedly-simple
Michelle @Radiancemitch
Moyra @Lovebegetslove
Nicholas @Niicckybutt
Nuanting @Pessimisticgirl-
Priscilla @Historymakersforchrist
Regina @Starlight-world
Renee @Ilovehscschoir
Samantha @Simplyloves-
Stephanie Y. @Snowwfrosteddgems
Stephanie G.Prettypersuasion-
Susan @Mousyfreako
Szeern @Nottherealkite
Valerie @Ransacked-means
Vannesa @-Blacklisted
Vera @A-simpleheart
Wanling @Ohsoopafresh-
Wendy @Icex-angel
Yanhua @Moove-it
Yiling @Falsepride-
Yunjie @Its-a-noob-thing
Zhiyong @Tzy92hsc

It took time to see.
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007

Candy-coated kisses
You're all I need, my love, my Valentine.
Hold my hand.
Another boring day for me.Irritating Jervis is at ...
'Cause here's my promise made tonight, you can cou...
'Cause with you, I'd withstand all of hell to hold...
Darn Blogger.

Mix the words up.


You have my thanks.
Basecodes by Eclair, yours truly. Images from livejournals one & two, enhanced a little with Photoshop. Thanks you very much for the comment box,Haloscan